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Affinity Frame

Affinity Frame


15 - 30 minutes, 5 - 15 minutes

Purpose/Objectives - Quick Description

Take a few minutes to learn about your colleagues by chatting about something a little different from the norm. One of the oldest original serendipity generators!


Ask the Players to get in their People Science teams or form groups of 2 to 4 people and get them to discuss the following for at least 5 minutes:

  1. Tell me about an interesting project or activity you are involved in
  2. Tell me something I don't know about you
  3. What do you think we might have in common?
  4. After ~5 minutes bring everyone back together to continue the day


  • Flip chart and markers - and/or paper

Cool Possibilities/Options

  • Debrief the best connections/learnings with the whole group
  • Consider some other PS exercises/Relationship Makers to expand the relationships after this exercise

People Science Data Capture:

Capture, capture, capture. Integrate it into your People Science data set so that you can enable the connections beyond just the small groups


15 - 30 minutes, 5 - 15 minutes, break down barriers, discussion, energizer, exercise, icebreaker, networking, small groups

What’s a Maker?



  1. A simple exercise two or more people can do to develop a stronger relationship
  2. A way to avoid endless talk about being busy and the weather
  3. A catalyst to communities that can make an impact

Often times mistaken as an ‘icebreaker’ or ‘exercise’